We would like to help to create a world where you know how much you are worth! A world where children know that they are “enough” and grow into happy confident adults.
Through yoga, growth mindset, meditation, visualisation and big belly laughs our classes help you to realise that you already have all the qualities that you need to become an amazing person, to access your inner strength, encourage you to let it shine out and to “love being yourself”
Welcome to Kindness Club
My name is Dai. “The Kindness Yogi” I am a fully qualified hatha and laughter yoga teacher. I have been practicing yoga for 30 years and teaching for 15 years. I have specialised in teaching children and young people. Additionally to my adult qualification I have qualifications in : laughter yoga, children’s yoga, mindfulness for children, teen yoga, baby yoga, yoga for children with additional needs, mythology stories for children and chair yoga. I am a provider for the Duke of Edinburgh awards. I guarantee you much fun and much laughter in my classes.

Monday 1.30- Adult carers zoom
Monday 5.00 - Teen yoga D of E zoom
Tuesday 9.25-Adult Yoga
Tuesday 10.35-Chair Yoga
Wednesday 3.20-St Paul’s afterschool club
Friday 11.25- Adult yoga in Enfield
Friday 1pm - Yoga to support Dementia
Friday 4.30- Young carers zoom
❤️ Most of my weekly classes are delivered in schools and nurseries.
We also have lots of time available for yoga with friends, parties, yoga in my garden and 1 to 1 sessions 💛

Laughter yoga
Laughter Yoga
Laughter is the best medicine!
Kindness club teach laughter to everyone- regardless of age! Children, families, office workers in big corporations have all benefited from laughter yoga. We turn our giggles in to deep and hearty laughter- the kind of laughter that hurts your belly! When we laugh for a longer period of time endorphins are released lowering stress, strengthening our immune systems and helping us to create a more positive mindset. We simply feel better when we laugh!
I have developed a laughter yoga session designed specifically at families with children. The sessions are usually on zoom and are very affordable- it’s a wonderful way to connect with family and friends x It’s amazing how this session can lift the spirits 💛 The laughter stays with you all day! Choose a time and a day to suit you and send the code out to your nearest and dearest 💛 I promise you belly laughs and big feelings of calm 💛
Our next session is on Zoom - get in touch for further details.

D of E and Teen Yoga
Duke of Edinburgh official yoga teacher
I am here to help you get your Bronze, Silver and Gold D of E awards. We run 12 week, 6 month and year long courses on zoom You can choose to practice with just me or within a group. The goal is to teach you how to “just be” without doubting yourself, for you to realise that you are absolutely perfectly imperfect just as you are.
The bronze course is a fun introduction to the yoga world. We will concentrate on two of the eight limbs of yoga- asana and pranayama- poses and breath. each class costs £9.50 - £114 for a 12 week course. The silver course is slightly more in depth look into the philosophy of yoga- the Yamas and the Niyamas. Alongside asana and pranayama -14 weeks at £133
Gold course will cover these first 2 courses plus an in depth look into the chakras. Each course comes with a full d of e assessment uploaded into your d of e account. Classes are on zoom on Mondays at 5pm Please message me requesting a registration form.

Children’s Holiday Clubs
Children’s Holiday clubs
A lot of my working week is spent in schools- so a real highlight of the school holidays is spending quality time with the little yogi’s where we get the opportunity to really reinforce kindness and self love. The clubs are usually 10-4 at Dai’s house in N21. We play, craft, talk, and of course we do lots of yoga activities. Our next club is love club on 17th 18th 19th February.
For primary school age children❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Dai’s house in N21£40 each day. Please bring packed lunch. For primary school age children. Lots of yoga, mindfulness, crafts and Giggles. !Please message me to book your place x

Adult yoga
Adult classes
I started my yoga teaching journey a bit topsy turvey by qualifying as a yoga teacher then immediately concentrating on children- consequently for 10 years I had built up a gorgeous little business teaching children and just the odd adult class- then Covid hit and childrens yoga took a bit of a break! I felt like an imposter at first offering my adult zoom classes!!! but I have really poured myself into these classes and all the face to face classes I’ve taught since- I’m so happy with the teacher that I am becoming. My classes are heart led and heart full spaces. We have fun, not too serious, smiles and calm feelings are honestly guaranteed ❤️Anyone can practice with me regardless of age or ability- please come along.
Tuesdays- 9.25 Bush Hill United Reformed Church
Tuesdays Chair Yoga 10.35 Bush Hill United Reformed Church
Fridays 11.25 Enfield
Book here Activeenfield.uk/what’s-on/
Box office 0208 807 6680

Chair Yoga
Chair yoga
Chair yoga has a reputation for being for disabled people with limited movement- and whilst chair yoga is very beneficial in that situation it can also be used in a much more able bodied situation. If you have a sitting down looking at a computer based job chair yoga is for you! If you have a job where you don’t move around a lot- chair yoga is for you. If you feel like regular on the mat classes are a bit too much of a challenge- chair yoga is for you!These classes will arm you with the knowledge of how you can move your body to feel less stiff whilst you carry on your daily activities. You will learn how to move your body whilst you are actually at work to help combat stiffness and keep your joints LUBRICATED! 😁Please book here.

St Paul’s Afterschool Club
St Andrew’s Afterschool Club
Wednesdays are the best day of the week at St Paul’s school-and Fridays are the best day of the week at St Andrews because that’s when we are there!
This children’s yoga class aims to be a place to have a whole lot of fun whilst learning about our bodies and our breath. We giggle a lot, move a lot and fill ourselves up with great big feelings of calm.
St Paul’s-The class is 3.20-4.20 £7.50 eReception- year 1 and 2 Wednesday 22nd Jan- 26th March £67.50
St Andrews- The class is 3.30-4.25 £6.50
17th January- 28th March £58.50
years 2,3,4
please send an email address to Dai to request a registration form.